S&P Global improves Kazatomprom’s ESG score


ESG ratings provide an objective assessment of companies' sustainability, including their contribution to environmental and social risk exposure, as well as an analysis of transparency and governance standards.  

S&P Global improves Kazatomprom’s ESG score Фото: kazatomprom.kz

National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC (“Kazatomprom” or the “Company”) informs that on 6 December 2024, S&P Global, an international rating agency, has assigned the Company a Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) score of 48/100, with a total ESG score of 50/100. Kazatomprom’s CSA score is 7 points higher compared to the previous year, and almost twice the industry average, which confirms the success of the Company’s sustainable development strategy.

ESG ratings provide an objective assessment of companies' sustainability, including their contribution to environmental and social risk exposure, as well as an analysis of transparency and governance standards. An improvement of the ESG score by S&P Global reflects Kazatomprom’s effective ESG management practices and indicates the Company’s strong commitment to developing responsible business.  

Kazatomprom is committed to the highest standards in its operations. Improving sustainable development practices remains a key element of the strategy aimed at ensuring the Company's stability and competitiveness, as well as creating long-term value for all stakeholders. Effective disclosure of ESG information contributes to the timely identification of risks and opportunities, which enhances the Company's flexibility in the face of new challenges.

Kazatomprom will continue to improve its ESG scores, enhancing its sustainable development practices. This milestone helps the Company to achieve strategic goals and strengthens its leading position in the industry.

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