Kazatomprom plans to increase production of sulfuric acid


The enterprise will be able to provide the production of sulfuric acid with a capacity of 800 thousand tons per year. At the same time, the plant will simultaneously generate 25-30 MWh of electricity from heat utilization, most of which will be sold to the Company's subsidiaries in the energy-deficient region.  

Kazatomprom plans to increase production of sulfuric acid

JSC National Atomic Company “Kazatomprom” (hereinafter – the "Company", "Kazatomprom" or "NAC Kazatomprom JSC") announces the receipt of a certificate of state registration of a new enterprise Taiqonyr Qyshqyl Zauyty LLP (hereinafter - the Partnership), established in order to implement the project for the construction of a sulfuric acid plant in the Sozak district of Turkestan region. The founders of the Partnership were: NAC Kazatomprom JSC (49%), RU-6 LLP (25%), Kazatomprom-SaUran LLP (26%).

Currently, a feasibility study of the project is being completed and a potential investor is being selected. The final cost of creating an industrial enterprise will be determined after the approval of the design and estimate documentation. The start of construction of the sulfuric acid plant is planned in 2024, and the start of production and reaching full design capacity are expected in 2026.

Sulfuric acid is the main reagent used in uranium mining by in-situ leaching method. Its own production, located near the mines, will allow Kazatomprom to ensure the availability of an additional reliable and long-term source of acid supplies, reduce the ways of delivering goods to consumers, minimize cost increases and reduce the cost of uranium products.

The enterprise will be able to provide the production of sulfuric acid with a capacity of 800 thousand tons per year. At the same time, the plant will simultaneously generate 25-30 MWh of electricity from heat utilization, most of which will be sold to the Company's subsidiaries in the energy-deficient region.

The implementation of the project is strategically important both for Kazatomprom and for the Turkestan region. The modern sulfuric acid plant will make a significant contribution to the economic and social development of the region, attract additional investments, replenish tax revenues to the local budget, create new jobs - about 800 people will be involved in the construction of the facility, and about 500 people will be involved in operation.

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