The subsidiary company of KazTransOil JSC in Georgia increased transshipment of Kazakh gas by 23% in 9 months of 2023


KazTransOil JSC directly owns and manages production assets in Georgia through Batumi Oil Terminal LLC (BNT).    

The subsidiary company of KazTransOil JSC in Georgia increased transshipment of Kazakh gas by 23% in 9 months of 2023 Фото:

The total volume of cargo transshipment for 9 months of 2023 by Batumi Oil Terminal LLC (100% share of participation belongs to KazTransOil JSC) and Batumi Sea Port LLC (exclusive rights to manage 100% shares) amounted to 2 million 570 thousand tons.

In particular, the volume of oil transshipment decreased by 189 thousand tons and amounted to 86 thousand tons. 961 thousand tons of petroleum products were transshipped. In the reporting period, the volume of transshipment of Kazakh gas increased to 166 thousand tons from 135 thousand tons in January-September 2022. The volume of dry cargo transshipment amounted to 1 million 357 thousand tons, which is 42 thousand tons more than the same period in 2022.

KazTransOil JSC directly owns and manages production assets in Georgia through Batumi Oil Terminal LLC (BNT). BNT provides services for transshipment, pumping, storage of oil, petroleum products and gas, as well as processed products using its own berths, technological pipelines and tanks. The competitive advantage of BNT is flexibility in storage and transshipment of various grades of oil and petroleum products (including liquefied petroleum gas).


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